Sunday, October 2, 2011

Artist Date-October 3-10

Time to fill the well!

Take some time today to think about where you will go for your Artist Date this week.

1.  You go alone...just you.
2.  Pick a place that brings you joy.
3.  Keep it simple this first week.  The best thing to remember is that you want to be sure to have an artist date once a week, so think about location, time in your schedule and what you really want to "see".

Then, once you have taken your Artist Date this week, post a comment!  You can either write, "Artist Date, check!", or leave a comment with more details about your adventure.  This is a blog to hold yourself accountable.  We will also learn from each other about "what makes a good Artist Date" for each of us.  We may become inspired by an Artist Date we never thought of!

I will send out a reminder post every Monday.  Take time each weekend to plan your Artist Date for the next week. 

The reminder video for Artist Dates by Julia Cameron is here.

Please take a moment in the comments below to introduce yourself!

If you have a blog, you may post the URL of your Artist Date here:


Susan said...

Hi All!
Susan Loughrin here:) I am an arts consulant at the OAISD and I have my personal website at

This week, for my artist date, I am planning on wandering some shops in a favorite small town. I will be looking for any books or music that capture my fancy!

Angie Briggs Johnson said...

I already started Sunday with an Artist date. While Hosting the venue where my Artprize entry is located, I brought along some Art stix and paper and sketched, and sketched. It was awesome! The art at the venue was a great inspiration!

Susan said...

Awesome! Here's to taking time to create!

The Suhys said...

I am going on friday, to Artprize with my fifth grade students. There is a time when they are going off with parent chaperones to write and sketch about several pieces of art. I plan to do the same! So often as an art teacher, I know the value of doing such things, but fail to actually do it for myself! I can't wait!

Susan said...

That sounds like a great exploration! Enjoy that time on your own....and then, share what you discover! Whoo hooo!

Susan said...

Artist Date to Saugatuck!