Sunday, October 23, 2011

Artist Date October 24-31

Artist Date Reminder!  What was your Artist Date last week? What are you learning about how you "create" time in your week to "fill the well"? 

Share your discoveries with us!

Do you have a blog?  Place your blog URL here:

Artist Date October 31-November 6

Artist Date Reminder!

How are your Artist Dates going? This is the time it gets more difficult to schedule time in for yourself...but it is so important! Take a moment right now to block out an hour a week for the next 4 weeks! If it is scheduled, it will be more likely to happen!

Remember, an Artist Date is what YOU choose to do to fill the well. It is doing something that fills your soul. You are important. When you make time for yourself, you make time for others and you are more centered.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Artist Date October 17-23

Artist Date Weekly Reminder!

Where have you been visiting? What are you discovering? Are you creating time each week for your Artist Date?

Let us know! Leave a comment below on your artist date from last week...or what you will be doing this week!

Have a blog? Leave your URL with the blog post you have created here:

Monday, October 10, 2011

Artist Date October 10-16

Where will you go this week?  What will your Artist Date be?  Did you take an Artist Date last week?

Take some time to think about where you will go to explore.  What is on your mind?  What do you wish to discover?

Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.  You can tell us about your Artist Date from last week.  You can give us an idea of what you are thinking of doing this week.  Remember that we can learn from each other!

If you have a blog, you can leave the url of your Artist Date below so that others can visit your world:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Artist Date-October 3-10

Time to fill the well!

Take some time today to think about where you will go for your Artist Date this week.

1.  You go alone...just you.
2.  Pick a place that brings you joy.
3.  Keep it simple this first week.  The best thing to remember is that you want to be sure to have an artist date once a week, so think about location, time in your schedule and what you really want to "see".

Then, once you have taken your Artist Date this week, post a comment!  You can either write, "Artist Date, check!", or leave a comment with more details about your adventure.  This is a blog to hold yourself accountable.  We will also learn from each other about "what makes a good Artist Date" for each of us.  We may become inspired by an Artist Date we never thought of!

I will send out a reminder post every Monday.  Take time each weekend to plan your Artist Date for the next week. 

The reminder video for Artist Dates by Julia Cameron is here.

Please take a moment in the comments below to introduce yourself!

If you have a blog, you may post the URL of your Artist Date here: